2008年8月25日 星期一

KM Algorithm - Solving Maximum Weighted Bipartite Matching

Given a bipartite graph , find the maximum weighted bipartite matching.

This problem can be solved using Hungarian Algorithm with time complexity by iteratively finding the augmenting path.

There is also an algorithm called KM Algorithm which can also solve the maximum weighted bipartite matching.

Suppose the vertices are separated to two sets and . We give node weights to each of them, namely and . KM algorithm states that if a subgraph of that satisfies the following properties:

(2) For any edge where and , where is the weight of the corresponding edge in .
(3) contains a perfect matching.

Then is equivalent to the maximum weighted bipartite matching of .

[Prove Start]

For any bipartite matching , if it is included in , the weight must be the sum of all the node weights. If there is a matched edge in but not in , then we can immediately conclude that it's weight sum must be smaller than the total node weights of (By properties (1) and (2)). Then we can see that if property (3) is satisfied, it is a maximum weighted bipartite matching. QED

[Prove Ends]

The algorithm is stated as follow:

(1) Assign and to ensure property (1) is satisfied.
(2) If has perfect matching, done
(3) If (2) does not hold, we can always find a path from such that it both starts and ends with nodes in .
(4) For any path described in (3), we decrease node weights with the nodes in and increase with nodes in . can be said to be "augmented".

Consider two vertices and ,

Case 1:

Case 2:
is unchanged

Case 3: while is not
Note that is decreased. the edge is more likely to be included in to have prefect matching

Case 4: is not in while is
Note that is increased. By property (1) the edge will not be included in to have prefect matching


(5) Reconstruct and repeat from (1) again.

How to find remains the last problem. We want to make sure the followings are satisfied after (4):

(i) Property 1 holds
(ii) At least one edge is included in

Therefore we would like to decrease an amount such that Case 3 is satisfied. We then choose to proceed the algorithm.

Obviously the algorithm runs in time. By memorizing the candidates for (we call them "slack"), we can speed it up in time.